Thursday, December 15, 2011

Stiff in therapy today: Parents behaving badly!

Little stiff today in and out of the water..  I loosened up after a bit, but it was hard (not that way, get your mind outta the gutter!!!  LOL) to get into it and sharing the pool was a first, so I had to make some adjustments...

God Bless Ally (1995-2011); MY FIRST "RSD ANGEL"
No more pain; partying with your predecessors!!
I am so proud of you; you knew love and compassion in the true sense and long before people 5 times your age....You were an ANGEL to begin with, I am only sorry RSD had to be added.

Until God decides we meet, may He hold you gently in the palm of His hand.

....a little about me

Ok, so Dad wants to waste money on an outfit that is material that is going to send me into orbit pain-wise, and I want to think about it.  Think about it!!!  I have things I would find helpful, oh, like a pair of warm gloves, new pillows for m, y bed, clothes that are comfortable against my skin; as opposed to "Do I want to spend 3-4 hours in clothes that will make me want to vomit from pain?"  I was considering not only spending-in violation of the court order-the time at her house, just because it is the last time I will ever see her (maybe just to make sure, who knows, us LDS-ers are great at guilt, even the former ones), and mentioned how I felt about my father's "offer" better known as lack of ability to accept having me as is child.

Neither can.  Here's my mother's voicemail:
Yeah, another violation--like it's always been:  a piece of paper!!

How about a simple solution?

I spend Christmas with neither of them?  They can't behave like mature adults?  Screw them both!
My mom's response will be that she will take back what she got me.
Good...  I wouldn't want that on my conscience....and I have more self-respect than that.

Besides, I have her party to plan for when she leaves.

As for DAD:
I will never meet his standards.  Why bother????

Why did I have to get such shitty parents?  Why couldn't I have gotten parents who'd give a crap if I did kick?  Oh, I don't plan to anytime soon.

My heart has a hole in it where God puts a parent.

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