My goal is to be able to have someone take photos or videos of me (eek!!!!!) while in my next hydrotherapy session; I am exhausted, but of note, I have already been able to rely more on other measures, such as heat, rubs, etc, and am hoping in a few months to scale back more on medication. If only the YMCA did not make it so daggone hard (letter from IRS, statement from Social Security 30-90 days old, and then they will "see what they can do...."
Get this: From this:
I realize we're all low on funds, but asking people with physical limitations to run all over town and back and probably end up with maybe a $5 decrease in a $65/month fee for their gym, they are asking, IMHO, a bit much. Cuz to me, it feels like the NYC marathon. They make it sound like "no biggie." Then you do it, lady. Cuz I am about to pass out.
I kept it short, I am exhausted!!!! At bloody 8pm!!!! But I'm working on it.
I am beginning to re-think even short, low-dose hospital based courses of ketamine. Not sure it's available in Washington or if my insurance will pay....we'll see.
Mom wants to "donate a queen sized bed," but demannds I "don't embarass her."
I told her to hire the cleaning service of her choice and then she wouldn't be "embarassed." Screw her! I have a few things on my plate.
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