Friday, December 16, 2011


An Open Letter to my Family,

You have gone, it feels, to great lengths to do whatever you can to break my heart.

When someone shows you how ashamed you should feel, you simply throw money at it, or me, fine, you want to buy me a new outfit for Christmas at your house?

Ok, I have no problem with that.  But please make it something I am not going to be racing home after the Christmas festivities and rip off because the pain is so intense I am about to vomit from the pain caused by it rubbing on my leg that my leg is now swollen, purple, and will take days, if not a week to return to a semblence of normalcy.  Please make it something that will commemorate a friend who just died at age 16 of cancer of the CT scans and treatments related to her RSD?

Please just soften the tragedy of my last 24 hours a little.

Oh, and thanks to the pain, it's 4:45am, and I've yet to sleep.  Ten am was when you wanted me to me useful?

Please just consider my feelings on this one day???

Forget about the hypocrite brother I will very likely have to sit next to at both festivities!
The faked smiles on my part.

Just freaking leave me alone!  But this????  You can go to hell!!!!

If this is your idea of a voice mail, then bite my ass!!!  Clearly a violation, but you've already decided it's just a piece of paper.  But if you want people to do as you want--this is a bad way to start.

I will spend my holidays with a friend:  Who knows what unconditional love is:

Main Entry:   unconditional love
Part of Speech:   n
Definition:   affection with no limits or conditions; completelove's 21st Century Lexicon
Copyright © 2003-2011, LLC
Your not liking something I do, disagreeing with it, etc, and placing limits of your love on whether I behave the way you want or in the fashion in which you do so is the definition of narcissism....I don't bow to it, and I stopped when I moved out of your house, and if you want to cut me out of your life, it only proves that I am right about you, Cecelia
"The study of human nature may be thought of as an art with many tools at its disposal, an art closely related to all the other arts, and relevant to them all. In literature and poetry, particularly, this is especially significant. Its primary aim must be to broaden our knowledge of human beings, that is to say, it must enable us all to become better, fuller, and finer people." -- Alfred Adler
You all have a good holiday now--and if you are spending it around this, I wish you luck, but it was your choice:
Borderline Personality Disorder:
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

There's no recovery from the narcissist or borderline; only understanding.  Educate, boundaries, and lots of distance.  I sucked at the latter.  I figured no harm since she's leaving January 2.


To the rest of you, remember, no drama is better drama!!!

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