Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day Two post hydrotherapy

Ok, I asked my pain doc for suggestions, and he recommended this; has one RSD patient recently acquired who swears by it, and countless fibromyalgia patients, patients with anxiety who swear by it, and anyone who has reviewed it for Amazon has given a 5-star rating:

Granted, they're pricey and not covered by insurance because the FDA/DEA isn't involved to muck it up and screw with it; as he put it (seriously), but he's lately turned to stuff like this, and has not let me down-ever..................................................

Right now, it's knitting in semi-darkness with the lighhts on, but shoot, I would willingly shell out $200 if I could figure out how it works, which is tough to tell from the photograph, but I'd kill for one.

But right now, in the Men's department (XL), they have a flannel pajama bottom in "the material"" (aka, the kind thhat doesn't put me into orbit.  I also want to try a heat lamp and get an electric blanket.....

Here's the video--I am halfway presentaable

And HAHAHA you can hardly see me!!!!  Same instructions apply if I start to sound like Boris Karloff...skip ahead a couple beats...should solve it

The only reason I don't LOOK like Boris is because it's so damn dark because I am still recovering...guess what????

Hydrotherapy tomorrow!!!!

No rest for the wicked!!!!!

Again, for reference, RSD/CRPS, aka, Causalgia---a type of nerve pain (how I wish they'd rated "Sciatica") on here, but maybe that's what is meant by "Chronic back pain:"

RSD/CRPS = 42 (and it's 24/7)   
      9many nerve pain syndromes rank upwards towards RSD/CRPS)
It has yet to be studied where fibromyalgia ranks on the McGill Pain Index
Amputation of a finger:  40  (not chronic)
1st Childbiirth = 38 (Not chronic, albeit highly painful)
2nd Childbirth = 34 (not chronic, albeit highly painful)
Chronic back pain: 27
Non-terminal cancer & phantom limb pain = 25
bruise/fracture:  16

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